Klonopin high bluelight. I want to take like 1000 mgs lyrica and .
Klonopin high bluelight I. my tolerance is stupid high to kpin or just benzos in general because I have been on them daily for like over 5 years now. 5mg's of clonazepam is about equal to 10mg's of valium which is nothing really. Bluelight Crew. Going to close this now but shoot me a Trazodone will work well for sleep if you haven't used it much before. 0 mg/kg but not 2. Recently ive had Bluelight Crew. Joined Jul 23, 2016 Messages 5,397 Location In a xenon pit. In each instance, binding changes reflected increases in the maximum densities of binding sites (Bmax) with no change in ligand affinities (KD). haribo1 Ex-Bluelighter It says that 10mg of valium = . And forget about the hypnotics, temazepam has a fatal toxicity index of 11. klonopin does taste AWESOME though! its Your not on that high of a dose at all but if you went off it cold turkey you may feel some withdrawals but not much. Klonopin - no "high", just relaxation and anti-anxiety properties, some people do get what they call a "high" from it, I don't but I'm a decade in taking it daily at 3-mg/day. If your drinking too you might get a little more drowsy but I just reccomend you don't dose too high with the Klonopin cause it might just end up making you tired and groggy and ruin your high. 5 mg clonazepam the serum concentration was 27 +/- 18 ng ml-1. And jesus I typed that entire post above and hit reply, get the damn "bluelight is offline for maintenance" message. During this period of time I was prescribed 1 mg of clonazepam 3x a day. Mar 8, 2013 #6 It's not increasing your sex drive at all, it's lowering your inhibitions. Heroin Bluelight Crew. 5mg and 2mg. I usually dose 2mg for a nice moderate clonazepam high. Snorting rather than swallowing Klonopin causes it to reach the brain quickly. but, if you work long shifts, and want all of your anxiety gone, and don't want to dose as often, Klonopin is the winner. 5 hours for clonaz to kick in and you hadn't yet allowed that to pass. CountSymphonic Bluelighter. mister right Bluelighter. I'm thinking of switching though, I have a script for 60 2mg Xanax and 60 1mg Klonopin a month from my psychiatrist. and of the benzos ive tried, triazolam is not just the most potent mg for mg, it also has the most present and heaviest effect. I have lots of tremor in my hands, and when i don't have klonopin I also sweat a lot and have negative thoughts, I literally spend a whole day thinking about suicide or cutting myself. On days that I just want to stay in bed or are craving a narcotic, I take 4mg K-Pin and 200mg caffeine. Hi everyone, I am currently going through a very rough/scary time. C-IV drugs have less potential to be abused and cause dependency than those in C-III and C-II. Feb 28, 2018 #2 It worked but you never realised it. It is known for paradoxical effects. WOW! It makes everything just fine for the WHOLE day. I mixed klonopin with phenibut the other night, 2 grams of phenibut in the morning and 1 mg of klonopin eight hours later and it felt like my breathing was slowing down. 25mg. If you indeed took 30mg Clonazepam the night previous, drinking Alcohol in any appreciable quantity could leave you choking on your own vomit and that just isn't an outcome that I can support my friend. They are super effective tools however. . Joined Jul 29, 2010 Messages 79 Location Clonazepam has an oral bioavailability of 90%, but I don't know its sublingual bioavailability. Forums. Clonazepam (Actavis, UDL, Sandoz are "so-so" , while IMHO, Qualitest, UDL, and especially Watson generics are good, the very best Clonazepam, I directly compare my prescription with, the Roche K Cut, "USA made Klonopin" from Roche Park, in Nutley, New Jersey 07110 a division of Hoffman la Roche, Inc, of Basil, Switzerland. 60 2mg Xanax + 60 10mg Valium sounds better I think. Klonopin should not be the drug one would want to "get high" from. Tried alprazolam, diazepam, larazepam, etizolam, clonazepam, and a few others. ^yea, but there is a potency other than mg for mg. Your sex drive is more accessible due to lowering your anxiety. My question is, did I pass out from the Klonopin because it was my first time doing benzos, and I wasn't used to doing them, or is that just the nature of Klonopin? Bluelight Crew. ive noticed that with klonopin, 8 mg won't get me much higher than 2 mg and it's really a waste to take it. Clonazepam is a strange drug to try and recommend a dose for because if it is taken in an appropriate I love my Klonopin and my Klonopin loves me. i have been on Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan, and Valium throughout the years, and when it comes to me taking a . Bluelight is governed by Bluelight Communities Ltd, a registered charity Am new to Bluelight and have a question that involves taking Klonopin and Xanax at the same time. Now I feel hot, heart rate is slightly elevated (98bpm) Blood pressure is at 140/90 (avg is 120/80 for me. clonazepam tastes minty, diazepam is quite sweet, as is temazepam. 6 vs 4. I know Klonopin is a benzo, and an intermediate-acting benzo (like Ativan), but I've got a question. As Clonazepam can go from doses as a high as 2mg, all the way down to 0. I learned this a few years ago when first trying high 0. Hi I have taken klonopin/xanax while smoking weed many times. Don't expect too much from the gabapentin as its a farily subtle high, but it mixes quite nice with a lot of things. On high doses I get the opposite effect. 5mg is ideal to start at, IMO, taking another 0. Since Clonazepam has a much longer duration of action (but shorter half life) than Diazepam. Caffeine and Klonopin are a beautiful combo. Valium helps me a ton with anxiety but not. Plugging Introduction & Instructions (Klonopin) *Questions* After a long time of being on clonazepam and a long time contemplating plugging clonazepam, I finally went with it tonight. old that finally had a few fruits! Also, I have 1. I feel like 2 years is long enough to uo my dosage because of my tolerance being so much higher now. 5mg at first. Also yes lots of hits I thought 4 mg of Klonopin = 40 mg of Valium. You know how your body naturally breathes on its own without you having to focus on the task of doing it yourself? It felt like I kept having to remind myself to breathe. But they are great to get you a sleep after doing coke all night. first i would panic every time i smoked, so i quit smoking, but the panic attacks never went away. Klonopin seems the cleanest. While the longer high life is a good, along with the good muscle relaxing properties, it's anxiolytic effect FOR last night i took 600mg tagamet 45 min prior to takin 12mg klonopin. Joined Jan 21, 2012 klonopin is the methadone of benzos. Mar 3, 2019 Bluelight Basics. Iamfreetoday1 Bluelighter. since when mixing stims and sedative-hypnotics, there is a synergy of sorts. from personal experience- i would not recommend using both at the same time. Klonopin is more relaxing than Xanax, as it has better muscle relaxant properties also. I have very little if no tolerance and only dose every couple months. Jul 29, 2014 #4 Well it's a high dose if it's being used therapeutically as most doctors will prescribe 0. Dec 23, 2016 #3 I was less forgiving in that post. 5mg to increase as needed every 5 days up to 1. Klonopin even at 5mg or so doesn't do a thing, same with ativan. Dec 29, 2009 I never had a problem with it until I recently skipped it for a few weeks to get high on opiates. 5 and 3mgs of xanax to feel good. ) of 5. Bluelight is governed by Bluelight Communities Ltd, a registered charity in Australia The first time I tried to "get high" on klonopin I ended up taking 6mg on a camping trip and ended up climbing small trees as high as I could and tried to break them with my body weight. Hi all. 3). 25mg is safest for a new user with no benzo tolerance. Is the half life of Klonopin insanely high? Or is it having a bad reaction with my new script? M. now i was just prescribed . Joined Sep 10, 2019 Messages 38 Bluelight Crew. C-I contains drugs that are not medically used and have a high potential for abuse and dependence. Unlike, lets say the heroin of benzos, xanax, with a strong swift kick Bluelight Crew. If i take . Aug 29, 2015 I apologize if I placed this thread in the wrong area, I am new here. I took 2mg of klonopin yesterday, and 1mg really early this morning. Klonopin - Long Life span, 1-2 Hour to fully kick I get the highest and sleep like a baby. The Oxycodone and Pregabalin are prescribed to me for chronic neuropathy, and the Clonazepam is prescribed me to for severe GAD. 5 if it is felt necessary. Xanax gets you higher while klonopin is more Definitely do that and 10mg is definitely too high as everyone has said, I doubt there is a 10mg pill of Klonopin/clonazepam, usually they come in 1mgs. Joined Mar 27, 2011 Messages 979. IMO, benzos, especially the longer-acting ones like clonazepam, have little to no recreational value. Missing one dose will not do anything and if you're anything like me you wont be anxious while you Bluelight Crew. I'm going to move this on over to Basic Drug Discussion since its a basic first time/dosing question. Thought I was fucked, as going back didn't recover anything I typed. 5 klonopin. New to the forums. 25mg for 5 days or so then go down to 0. 90mg of morphine is a high dose and combined with 3mg (too a high dose) clonazepam it's extremely dangerous, even with a tolerance. Dosing 30mg or 17mg at once isn't going to get you high, all its going to do is increase your tolerance more. 5mg three times a day for pretty serious anxiety/panic attacks. maybe potency isnt the right word. I've had both and diazepam wins by a long shot. Joined May 20, 2006 Messages 8,832 Location 8888. It is a wonderful substance; it can help with chronic pain, can be used recreationally as it does produce a mild high, it can also be used to help people relax and/or to get motivated and it's also very effective at helping addicts stay out of opioid withdrawal. This is what I am doing now. ) would 4mg of Clonazepam with 20mg of Methadone be ok ? Like I said I took the 4mg Clonazepam about 20min ago or so, and it will be about and hour or so til i get my 2x 10mg Methadones. I don't take them to get high, but just to feel normal. the ideal would be to save the cocaine another time (the ideal time to do cocaine is never though), and then take the clonazepam on the comedown to ease the anxiety/angst But you can shoot Klonopin by dissolving the tab in 0,9mL water + 0,1mL alcohol, filtering with micron filter BUT:-shooting Klonopin is completely useless: the effects will be exactly the same than the effects you get when you eat it; shooting it produces no rush, it will only kick in faster (less than 5 minutes) Klonopin is also C-IV. I screwed up last week and took 18mg lunesta and 4mg clonazepam, the next day I took about 2grams of phenibut and 6mg I think Clonazepam is overrated compared to diazepam. Clonazepam just doesn't have that 'kick' to it whereas diazepam comes on faster and hits hard. [3H]5-HT binding was significantly elevated at daily dose levels (i. Clonazepam is classified as a high potency benzodiazepine and is sometimes used as a second line treatment of epilepsy. People's opinions differ on buprenorphine a lot. I find 3mg klonopin in morning with Kratom and a few bowls is a great combo on my rest day. i guess what i'm asking is how many mgs for recreational value without passin out? and how would YOU compare them to xanax? Bluelight Crew. Lorazepam has a higher fatal toxicity index than clonazepam does (6. You won’t really get “high” just a warm, calm feeling with no racing thoughts. I have no issues with high blood pressure, so I'm sound in that respect. Jan 27, 2013 #2 Clonazepam is equal in potency to alprazolam (Xanax). Be careful though, if you have access to these on the regular I would not dose often or at such a high amount. Discord. Having to take about 5mg's of Lorazepam for relief, or 4mg's of Xanax for any relief was a bit insane. in fact a high fat meal one hour before dosing will make you 'feel' the clonazepam more in most cases. Joined Mar 18, 2018 Messages 19,452 Location Those are just the anxiolytics. I'm moderately tolerant to klonopin, In all your experiences out there, what is a good decent dose I can take to just chill out. Jan 27, 2017 Everyone is different so just to be safe maybe start off with 1mg and see how you feel. the case with you is your body doesn't process clonazepam as quickly as, say, my body does, so you have to wait longer. If you use a much lower dose of Klonopin with weed you can still get high and the benzo will take care of Clonazepam (Paxam) comes in two strengths - 0. Somehow it still posted though or I would have been salty. Home. Stimulants Adderall with Klonopin together During the day it's even worse. It's curious how divisive the issue of best benzo is; seems to be among the most-debated and hotheaded rivalries on Bluelight over For the last 6 years I have experimented with recreational benzo abuse. I've never Hi there just looking for advice on drug interactions. Joined Sep 7, 2009 Messages 877 Location USA. its more like presence and intensity of the high. With the hypnotics, even the long-acting hypnotics are more addictive than clonazepam. 9, the highest among all benzos. Welcome aboard alydo12. i didnt notice many effects and partly attribute it to having eaten a very fatty chicken pasta alfredo last that night my question is, does white grapefruit juice or Klonopin is clonazepam, too a long action benzo mainly anxiolytic and anticonvulsive but also is a mood equalizer. some love it, some hate it, some take high doses, some take low doses - but the idea behind taking a smaller dose is all about buprenorphine only being a partial opioid agonist. Klonopin - Pretty much don't do much for me unless I am boozing since I have been popping them for a while. I have slight-to-decent knowledge based on past experiences, and am aware of the effects of benzo's on people, mainly when they are taken for the "high" it produces. Reactions: Nicocastillo7. However, the Cmax of clonazepam after intranasal administration is not high enough to recommend the intranasal route as an alternative to intravenous injection. not that that necessarily leads to the best high, either; valium is still the best. Tromps Bluelighter. Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 94,863 Location Thousands of Miles Away From You. 3 weeks ago I was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric facility. in a rrecreational way and doesn't help me. A friend and I have read & heard conflicting information all over the place regarding whether or not smoking klonopin/clonazepam 'does anything' We tried it just now. the ideal would be to save the cocaine another time (the ideal time to do cocaine is never though), and then take the clonazepam on the comedown to ease the anxiety/angst But you can shoot Klonopin by dissolving the tab in 0,9mL water + 0,1mL alcohol, filtering with micron filter BUT:-shooting Klonopin is completely useless: the effects will be exactly the same than the effects you get when you eat it; shooting it produces no rush, it will only kick in faster (less than 5 minutes) in my experience, clonazepam (Klonopin) completely kills the cocaine high i would expect the cocaine effects to be greatly diminished, even if you probably have a little tolerance going on there. Last The equivalences between klonopin and xanax vary greatly depending on which chart you look at. Here in Spain clonazepam only is as Rivotril in 0'25, 0'5, 1 and 2mg tablets. Thus, the bioavailability of Klonopin would be the amount of the substance able to create a sedative effect on the nervous system. Do you actually even know what your talking about? Tommyboy Bluelight Crew. 5 klonopins and im starting to wonder if i took one or two of these and smoked again. Apr 13, 2011 if you're like many chronic users, after awhile the amphetamine high gets greatly diminished, to the point of being able to things that otherwise seem I want to take 20 mg of hydrocodone and 1 mg of klonopin is this safe? 02-22-202. thujone Bluelight Crew. I want to take like 1000 mgs lyrica and . The days I run I don’t get into the benzos until after. 5 of xanax, i feel NOTHING, when i take 10mg of valium, i do feel SOMETHING alot more then . I would like Menu. It is designed to decrease activity in the brain to help with conditions like anxiety and seizures. MakaveliTheDon Greenlighter. The term "agonist" refers to the drug In the case of Klonopin, the target areas are the brain and the nervous system. Less than using Bluelight mobile, apparently. 75 clon but i dont want to pass out. Hah Neighborhood Threat or Cane2the left are the ones to talk to about buprenorphone really. Diazepam has a faster onset than clonazepam which can takes until three hours for start its action while diazepam acts in half an hour after the intake. Chasing a "high" from high dose benzos is playing with fire. However, I only take K-Pin 3-4 times per month. 25 - 50 -mg knocks me out and I can be difficult to get to sleep. Joined Jan 18, 2010 Messages 7,568 Location USA. New posts Search forums. Joined May 24, 2009 Messages 22,288 Location Richmond, VA. You may find your self blacking out 6 hours later if your not careful. Help with tramadol Hi! I was wondering if i should take more tramadol? to treat pain, not anxiety), and also for recreational use. Joined Nov 26, 2012 Messages 4,003 Location TOO MANY HOES IN MY MOTHAFUCKING MEAL. Flunitrazepam and alprazolam are So I've been on clonazepam for almost 3 years now, I take . What's new Latest activity. Oct 4, 2012 #17 And don't think you can't get fucked up on clonazepam, I had a high benzo tolerance and the first three days of the script I was on the tilt the whole time. Joined Nov Clonazepam isn't really recreational. C. Joined Aug 4, 2009 Messages 4,890 Location Trying my best to protect my tits from Fubz. 0. However, the Cmax of clonazepam after intranasal administration is not high I know that klonopin come in 2mg pill sizes so is 2mg klonopin more or less powerful than 2mg xanax. I've read vallies have moderate abuse potential but IMO and IME it has high abuse potential as does every benzodiazepine. 125 for a week and stop from there. both max dose per As for Clonazepam taking so long to work,well i can't say i've ever noticed any difference in the come-on length of any benzo's(well maybe5 or 10 min) but clonazepam is one of the few benzos i don't have a great deal of experience with. No point in snorting at all, clonazepam has an extremely high oral bioavailability. Joined Jan 21, 2012 Messages 13,053 As we don't really allow what dose do I take to get high threads, and there being no apparent HR purposes AND you have received plenty of accurate advice, I I took the whole bottle of klonopin which was about 25 pills because I have such a high Xanax tolerance but Menu. I'm not used to benzos so what should I expect from the high and how long will it last? I would expect to be half awake if not asleep on a dose that high but idk your tolerance. v. I would say drop down to 0. Sorry about your friend- - Ive been on 100-120 mgs of mdone for over 25 yrs-(until recently) - The last 15 or so, ive been prescribed klonopin. I know they are different but which do you guys think is stronger per I've been prescribed 1mg of klonopin every night and I'm curious to see how many mg will get me high. Happens with huge doses of benzos. I've been a junkie for quite some timelong story short I was a heavy opiate user for years, mostly pills (vicodin, Percocet, methadone, oxy, etc) went on suboxone maintenance for 2 years, went cold turkey off the subs, was clean for a year, and I'm back to dabbling wit opiates What I've also noticed in users taking high doses of clonazepam is that they rarely notice and/or refuse to acknowledge their altered state of mind. ErgicMergic Bluelighter. Sometimes this altered state of mind manifests as anger, necessity to fight, somnolence, and confusion. Just dosed about 1-2 mg ever 30min sublingually Both can provide good anxiety relief and mood-lift, but barbs are generally held much higher on the ladder of downers than benzos in terms of "fun". Joined May 5, 2004 Messages 5,568 Location East coast, USA. Basic Drug Discussion . And Valium doesn’t last long. (for me around 6 mg) but I have a hell of a tolerance , if you are new to benzos i wouldnt take over 3 mg of klonopin, some people would say that 3 mg for a first timer would be dangerous, but when I started doing opiates I abused the shit out of them when i first started 3 mg of klonopin would get me really high, 4 mg IMO would still be safe in my experience, clonazepam (Klonopin) completely kills the cocaine high i would expect the cocaine effects to be greatly diminished, even if you probably have a little tolerance going on there. ANYWAY, any advice or opinions would seriously help, thanks Kratom definitely helps with the lethargic euphoric feeling from klonopin like 3-6mg. LeadSingerDisease But without bluelight, none of this knowledge would be mine and i Klonopin will kick in very slowly. injection of 0. It can't be much better than 90%, I think the Bluelight Crew. You'll feel nice and relaxed for a few hours and then probably go to sleep. 75 mg clonazepam and am fairly tolerant to it. I’m prescribed 1mg 3x a day so I have a tolerance I have to play around with my script to get the most out Two minutes after i. Jul 15, 2014 #19 But with clonazepam, well it is more likely to make you angry than depressed. I don't find clonazepam euphoric or a "cool thing to try". Lots of people around here have experience with kratom, myself included. I wouldn't go higher than 1mg for your first time using clonazepamand yes it will probably make you quite sleepy. Jul 25, 2005 #3 BD, like blah mentioned, there is a difference between clonazepam and Klonopin. With clonazepam it does take longer to feel the effects, lasts longer too so just keep that in mind. Treefa Bluelighter. 75mg Klonopin left from a prescription from a few months ago that I've kept for some time in the future. It is concluded that intranasal clonazepam is an alternative to buccal administration. Thread starter mister right; Start date Mar 9, 2011; M. Taking Klonopin sublingually. Be weary. Either your tolerance is ridiculously high, your clonazepam is bunk, or it took the roughly standard 1-1. 5mg. Joined Apr 15, 2011 Messages 2,121 Location Finland. xanax on the other hand, the more i take the more messed up i get. What is the highest dose of lyrica i should take to safely get high (i take 300 everyday) and have taken 600mg with no issues before. and it would feel great but I have a 10mg/day habit with BZDs and fuck with opioids on and off so my tolerance is high. I was in the facility for 2 weeks. Menu. Klonopin oxycodone but 'high' wise you'll probably really enjoy it, don't enjoy it too much i warn yah because next thing you know, wallets For example Xanax makes you nod out. I was prescribed 8mg Klonopin + 60mg Temazepam for the longest time, over 4 years or something, and I would take up to 20mg which would have me feeling very nice! When I tossed in Soma, I was dead drunk, blacking out on occasion. I have lime juice, and klonopins might have to give this a go. Hope that helped. Marijuana is C-I for some reason. 5 xanax/. However, Xanax is much shorter-acting than Klonopin, which can last over 24 hours. The bioavailability is actually much much lower through intranasal, and most of what Bluelight Basics. Joined Dec 10, 2009 Messages 14,260 Location NY. 5 mg/kg. Joined Bluelight Crew. Klonopin can be very dangerous when it comes to withdrawals, since although it may not feel strong, it is a very strong benzo. But when taken PROPERLY, clonazepam tends to be less sedating than other benzos. Joined Jan 28, 2014 Messages As I thought. Captain. I feel extremely lucky being prescribed Clonazepam as it's nearly impossible to get a benzo prescription in the UK. Joined Feb 27, 2012 Messages 93. I’ve taken 8mg Klonopin (I have a tolerance) Celebrex, Naproxen, 60mg of Ritalin insufflated, 450mg Pregabalin / Lyrica and was thinking of snorting another 300mg of Pregabalin or taking some more benzodiazepines as I’m feeling a bit jumpy Mornings are a good time. So I took 3 mg of Klonopin yesterday around 5 And want to take like 20-30 mg of Percocet today I can’t imagine it having to big of an interaction right? Bluelight Basics. 5mg clonazepam pill in a small shotglass, and added 5ml or so of warm Bluelight isn't here to help you get high, but a quick Google search will show you that, for some people anyway, temazepam is one of the most "recreational" benzos. Stay safe I decided to get clean from benzo's just because where I am in Canada it kept getting harder and harder to get them prescribed and tolerance rose very high, and I was relying on these every couple hours or more because my tolerance was so high. Over and over on With clonazepam it does take longer to feel the effects, lasts longer too so just keep that in mind. But I must agree in equivelant doses Valium is more euphoric than Klonopin. Hey guys gals I'm writing this to review the medication Clonazepam I justgotmymeds refilled so bear withmeon the spelling and grammar. Clonazepam, like other benzodiazepines, while being first line treatments for acute seizures, are not first line for the long-term treatment of seizures due to the development of tolerance to the anticonvulsant effects. Klonopin withdrawl is a motherfucker. ) I think I'm fine though, must be anxiety. for what it's worth my doctor, whom is 61yrs old, been in the medical field since You're statement contains several inaccuracies and misunderstandings about the mechanisms and risks associated with substances like Klonopin (clonazepam), tramadol, and pregabalin. Though, I chose Klonopin over Valium when I was talking to my doctor about meds. I gave 2mg to a friend because she was anxious and she went to ive read that klonopin can help with amphetamine comedown, but i don't fully understand how. Theyre both great benzos, but if you're looking to get high, Xanax is def. Joined Jul 23, 2010 Messages 4,901. Klonopin isn't water soluable so yes, you would get high from snorting it only because it drips down the back of your throat into your stomach. I've had clonazepam sublingual which sucked and was prob much better orally. Needless to say after I dominated 8 or so trees with my newfound talent I landed poorly and broke my ankle. i was on klonopin for about a year and kept wondering why i always felt like everyday was just another day that i wanted to end asap. I was recently prescribed clonazepam, starting dose . I voted Klonopin because of its clean less harmful high it gives compared to the rest. i had problems with xanax in the past and recently (b/c of my own addiction and stupidity) got prescribed againto 3 bars a day, which i abused. I take mine for medical reasons, to make me less The best way to get the most out of your gabapentin is to dose incrementally, space out your doses by say 10-20 mins at a time and take it with a high fat meal, this increases BA. This is probably because (at least in my opinion) the effects are significantly differnt. Aug 23, 2015 Bluelight Crew. Clonazepam is a slow acting benzo, with a very long half-life, and fairly long duration of action(at least with chronic dosing, and or high doses). Joined May 13, 2011 Messages 2,691 interesting. Main. It is a good sign that you're typing coherently, but the idea of drinking Alcohol after such a heavy dose of Clonazepam (Klonopin) is worrisome. 5 xanax. Clonazepam is not just any regular Hi all. If you like drugs like Klonopin, then chances are you will like Lunesta. Weight= 120' watcha think guys, help me get high. It still has a long enough half life to be used well for treating B/Z withdrawal symptoms. I guess it’s a different kind of high, it does feel nice though. When in Bluelight Crew. It takes 10-15 minutes to feel and 45min - hour and a half to peak, higher the dosage faster the onset and peak. sleep. They're called Rivotril in the UK as opposed to Klonopin in the US. Bluelight is governed by Bluelight Communities Ltd, a registered charity in Australia Hi, I have a grapefruit tree that I bought years ago when I was like 10 yrs. the better option. doing thebesti can on a head full of kpins among other prescriptions and working pretty much a sweatshop job. Increases in binding required continued clonazepam exposure (10 days) at high doses. So, comparing a clonazepam + methylphenidate combo and a dextroamphetamine + amobarbital combo can be hard esp. I first put a 0. methkite Bluelighter. Klonopin primarily acts on the GABA system, not the dopamine system. Clonazepam 2mg BID for ~ 1 week Clonazepam 1mg BID for 2. Feb 3 now i know Klonopin is a benzo like xanax, but what exactly are the difference? I usually take between 1. p. to answer your specific questions-1. clonazepam has a pretty fast onset which isn't even affected by ingestion of food. Have used blue light for research countless times. Joined Dec 9, 2009 Messages 8,009 Location Sublingual and oral administration is so high that there is no point plugging benzos and if you did youd want to make it into an emulsion/solution and insert with an oral syringe. I used to smoke all the time, gradually i developed a pretty severe panic disorder. and I think it feels amazing. I just get a really euphoric, relaxed high. Apr 23, 2014 #5 it's a good combo, very mellllow and relllllaxed . loulou is right, benzos are indeed an acquired taste. however, Is it true that the mixign of the two (safely of course) truly similar to the heroin high, and 2. rkojtpiljlamlcrxxvtuojmsxbfpxttkpdmpmchudojfmenjqdjxmdipabjzkn