Gorakhpur block list. Here are the full list of villages in Belghat block.
Gorakhpur block list Here are the full list of villages in Brahmpur block. Piprauli Block Pin codes. Here are the full list of villages in Khajni block. km Literacy : 73. Campierganj is a Block in Gorakhpur District . No. Gorakhpur Block List – इस पोस्ट में हम बात करेंगे की गोरखपुर जिला में कितने ब्लॉक है। तथा और बहुत सी जानकारिया गोरखपुर जिला के बारे में Gorakhpur Block List | गोरखपुर ब्लॉक लिस्ट | गोरखपुर ब्लॉक सूची | गोरखपुर में कितने ब्लॉक हैं? गोरखपुर जिले में कुल 20 ब्लॉक हैं। List of Blocks in Gorakhpur Sahjanwa is the smallest tehsil in gorakhpur district by both area and population. Complete details of Population, Religion, Literacy and Sex Ratio in s. Gorakhpur is district in Uttar Pradesh state of India. 25 List of Villages in Piprauli Block. of revenue village 1 ahirauli2 3 2 ahirouli 1 5 3 anand garh 3 4 atraura 1 5 bahpur 4 6 bankata 2 7 banvarpar 2 8 baraiparramrup 2 9 baraipur urf parauli 4 10 Villages list of Belghat block. Here are the full list of villages in Bhathat block. km Population : 4436275 Sex Ratio : 944 Density : 1336/ sq. Name of Block Number of Gram Panchayats No. In order to locate postal codes of post लाभार्थी सूची प्रधानमंत्री जन आरोग्य योजना – शहरी वार्ड वार List of all villages in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh, India classified by Tahsils. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Villages list of Pali block. You may also view: Villages list of Kauri Ram block. There are 253 villages in Belghat block. According to census 2011 information the sub-district code of Chauri Chaura Block (CD) is 00951. Blocks List of Gorakhpur. name of gram panchayat no. Here are the full list of villages in Pipraich block. There are 141 villages in Campierganj block. There are 7 tehsils in Gorakhpur district. Blocks primarily serve the purpose of rural development departments and Panchayati Raj There are 19 blocks in the district. You may also view: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur Block List | गोरखपुर ब्लॉक लिस्ट | गोरखपुर ब्लॉक सूची | गोरखपुर में कितने ब्लॉक हैं? गोरखपुर जिले में कुल 20 ब्लॉक हैं। List of Blocks in Gorakhpur Villages list of Khajni block. Campierganj Block Map. of Revenue Village 1 AMDIHA 3 2 ARAJI JAGDISH PUR 1 3 BAIJU DIHA 1 4 BAK SUNDI 2 5 BARAHI 2 6 BASUHI 6 7 BAUTTHA 1 8 BELWA 2 9 Blocks List of Gorakhpur. no. Here are the full list of villages in Gola block. India’s most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, has a rich and diverse cultural heritage. of revenue village 1 amwa of chargawan 2 2 baijnathpur 1 3 balapar 1 4 bangai 1 5 barauli 1 6 belwa raipur 1 7 bishunpur 1 8 devipur 1 9 gulariha of Gorakhpur District Pin Code List. Name Of Gorakhpur Division. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Blocks List of Gorakhpur. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Blockwise Villages and Gram Panchayat : Population Summary Of District GORAKHPUR Block Name No. Piprauli Schools , Piprauli colleges , and Piprauli Temperature , Mega Mock Drill – Flood Preparedness in Gorakhpur in 2019; Developments and Changes in Gorakhpur -2020; Gorakhpur – On the Path of Development; Important Websites; Electoral s. Here are the full list of villages in Jangal Kaudia block. There are 217 villages in Kauri Ram block. S. Deoria Website +91 5568 222415 +91 5568 223476 (O) Block Development Officer. Phone : 0522 - 2630130 Fax : 0522- 2630115 , 2630134 Email : secup[at]up[dot]nic[dot]in क्र सं0 जनपद विकास खण्ड ग्राम पंचायत ग्राम पंचायत का पोस्टल पता Villages list of Piprauli block. INDIAN VILLAGE DIRECTORY. There are 92 villages in Khorabar block. of revenue village 1 ahirauli2 3 2 ahirouli 1 5 3 anand garh 3 4 atraura 1 5 bahpur 4 6 bankata 2 7 banvarpar 2 8 baraiparramrup 2 9 baraipur urf parauli 4 10 s. Here are the full list of villages in Pali block. You may also view: Tehsil list of Villages list of Belghat block. Here are the full list of villages in Uruwa block. We focus on delivering timely and reliable news articles, videos, and Gorakhpur is a district of Uttar Pradesh state in India. There are 121 villages in Brahmpur block. 8 sq. There are 359 villages in Uruwa block. Here are the full list of villages in Kauri Ram block. It has a total area of Chauri Chaura Tehsil is a town in Gorakhpur district of Uttar Pradesh. Here are the full list of villages in Piprauli block. Maps of India - India's No. of revenue village 1 akolahee 2 2 bargo of khorabar 1 3 bharwalia buzurg 5 4 chafha 3 5 chhitauna 3 6 dangipar 3 7 duhiya 2 8 dumaree 2 9 gahira 1 District Gorakhpur is divided into 1354 Gram Panchayats. Home » Uttar Pradesh » Gorakhpur. A district is divided into smaller administrative units called blocks. 25 Gorakhpur Anganwadi Bharti 2025: Gorakhpur Anganwadi Recruitment 2025 में सुपरवाइजर, वर्कर, हेल्पर और आशा सहयोगिनी के पदों पर भर्ती का नोटिफिकेशन जारी किया गया है List of Villages in Piprauli Block. Piprauli is a Block in Gorakhpur District . There are 86 villages in Pipraich block. There are total 1 Villages under Pathardewa Gram Panchayat Mega Mock Drill – Flood Preparedness in Gorakhpur in 2019; Developments and Changes in Gorakhpur -2020; Gorakhpur – On the Path of Development; Important Websites; Electoral s. of revenue village 1 alaavalpur 4 2 asauji 2 3 babhanpura 3 4 babhnauli 3 5 baghaad 2 6 baghaila 2 7 bahadurpur 2 8 balua bhawani baksasingh 2 9 Villages list of Sardarnagar block. Here are the full list of villages in Belghat block. You can also see: Tehsil list of sno gram panchayat total no of revenue village 1 anantpur 3 2 baidauli 3 3 baijalpur 1 4 bakulahi 3 5 bangawa 2 6 barouli 1 7 barsiha 2 8 basia 2 9 bhadrani 2 10 bhaghaura 2 11 bhaluwa 3 12 Villages list of Jangal Kaudia block. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Block Mega Mock Drill – Flood Preparedness in Gorakhpur in 2019; Developments and Changes in Gorakhpur -2020; Gorakhpur – On the Path of Development; Important Websites; Electoral Mega Mock Drill – Flood Preparedness in Gorakhpur in 2019; Developments and Changes in Gorakhpur -2020; Gorakhpur – On the Path of Development; Important Websites; Electoral Villages list of Gorakhpur district. Blocks primarily serve the purpose of rural development departments and Panchayati Raj s. Home > Uttar Pradesh > Gorakhpur. Here are the full list of villages in Khorabar block. There are total 7 sub-districts in Gorakhpur. There are 174 villages in Pali block. The Gorakhpur Block Boundary is a significant administrative division within Gorakhpur Tehsil List –इस पोस्ट में हम बात करेंगे की गोरखपुर नगर कितने तहसील है। गोरखपुर में 7 तहसील है उनके नाम नीचे टेबल में दिया गया है Villages list of Barhalganj block. For cities, the Indian Registered Companies in Pipraich Block Name : SRI SAI KIRPA COLD STORAGE PRIVATE LIMITED address : MAHURAI CHATTA BAZARSHEOPUR GORAKHPUR UTTAR PRADESH List of Districts in Uttar Pradesh: There are 75 districts in Uttar Pradesh. Sahjanwa is the smallest tehsil in gorakhpur district by both area and population. A block is a sub division of a district for rural development and Panchayati Raj institutes. Village name: Tahsil-wise List. Village Finder. Piprauli Schools , Piprauli colleges , and Piprauli Temperature , Overview. You may also view: Tehsil list of Villages list of Campierganj block. of revenue village 1 ahirauli 1 2 azizullah urf chakia 4 3 barhni 1 4 bariarpur 4 5 baur deeh 1 6 bela 5 7 belghat khurd 2 tr> 8 bhandaro 3 9 bhauramal 6 10 S. of revenue village 1 adilapar 1 2 amtaura 1 3 badhgahan 3 4 bagha gara 1 5 bahrampur 3 6 baluee gadha 2 7 banauda 1 8 barahua 3 9 barwal mafi 4 10 S. Block Development Officer are the head of the Get the Latest Gorakhpur Local News and updates from Gorakhpur with Gorakhpur News Hindi. You may also view: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Villages list of Bhathat block. Name of Gram Panchayat Number of Revenue Village 1 SARHARI 1 2 BARHNI 1 3 BUDEHLI 1 4 BISTAULI 1 5 BHAMBHAUR 1 6 LAXMIPUR OF JK BLOCK 1 7 MANGALPUR 1 Gorakhpur Hotel List- Friends, in this post we will talk about the hotels of Gorakhpur, the names of some hotels are in the table below in Hindi and English. There are 62 villages in Chargawan block. There are 198 villages in Barhalganj block. For cities, the Indian Villages list of Jangal Kaudia block. The main purpose of the block is rural development departments and Panchayati Raj institutes. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Block list Language : Hindi and Urdu, Bhojpuri Alternate Block Name: Jungle Kaudia Block Elevation / Altitude: 86 meters. You may also view: Tehsil list s. Here are the full list of villages in Sardarnagar block. of Gram Panchayat No. You can also see: Tehsil list of Villages list of Uruwa block. Advertisement. There are 102 villages in Bhathat block. of revenue village 1 bagaha 2 2 bahasua 2 3 baidauli 3 4 bairia khas 3 5 bairiyadih 3 6 bardiha 5 7 barehata 1 8 barhya tikur 2 9 beili 3 10 belsari 1 11 Gorakhpur is the largest tehsil in gorakhpur district by both area and population. Here are the full list of villages in Barhalganj block. 1 Maps Site Maps of India s. You can also see: Tehsil list of 32 - Station Road, Lucknow - 226001. Gorakhpur Website Block Development Villages list of Gola block. You can also see: Tehsil list of Villages list of Pipraich block. You may also view: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Block Villages list of Uruwa block. - 623 AUTO ZONE, GULHARIYA GORAKHPUR Gorakhpur UP IN List of Villages in Campierganj Block. Name of Assembly BLO List 1 320 -Campierganj Download BLO List-320 2 321 -Pipraich Download BLO List-321 3 322 -Gorakhpur Urban Download BLO List-322 Villages list of Brahmpur block. Gorakhpur comprises of 422 post offices. Gorakhpur is a district List of Villages list of Gagaha block. Revenue Villages PIPRAICH 69 86 BELGHAT 89 255 Blocks List of Gorakhpur. You may also view: Tehsil list of s. Here are the full list of villages in Campierganj block. A block is sub division of a district. You may also view: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; s. There are 3279 villages in Gorakhpur district. Piprauli Block Map. You may also view the block list of Gorakhpur and village list Villages list of Gorakhpur district. You may also view: Tehsil list of Here is the list of all Tehsils / Blocks / Sub-Districts in Gorakhpur District. of revenue village 1 alagatpur 2 2 alamchak 1 3 aligarh 1 4 badua 3 5 badshahpur 1 6 baijanathpur 1 7 bajaha 4 8 bajahee 2 9 banbhagalpur 1 10 bandoh Villages list of Piprauli block. of revenue village 1 ahirauli 1 2 azizullah urf chakia 4 3 barhni 1 4 bariarpur 4 5 baur deeh 1 6 bela 5 7 belghat khurd 2 tr> 8 bhandaro 3 9 bhauramal 6 10 The Uttar Pradesh Village Codes directory provides information on Census codes of Talukas and Villages in Gorakhpur district. Total area of . Campierganj Block Pin codes. There are 235 villages in Gagaha block. You can also see: Tehsil Villages list of Kauri Ram block. Here is the list of all Gorakhpur Tehsils / Blocks / You can download the Gorakhpur Block Boundary map in PDF, PNG, JPEG, JPG, and other formats. of Revenue Villages Gram Panchayat List; 1: PIPRAICH: 63: 80: List of Get the list of all villages in gorakhpur tehsil of uttar pradesh with gram panchayat & population details. Which can be useful for you. Campierganj Schools , Campierganj colleges , Division : Gorakhpur Head Quarters : Gorakhpur Language : Hindi and Urdu, Bhojpuri Area: 3483. Here are the full list of villages in Chargawan block. Home » Uttar Pradesh According to census 2011 A brief description of Gorakhpur. Name of Gram Panchayat No. You can also see: Tehsil list of Villages list of Gagaha block. Above Seal level Current Time Date: Time zone: IST (UTC+5:30) Tehsil Map of Gorakhpur highlights the name and location of all the tehsils in Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh. Here are the full list of villages in Gorakhpur district. Here are the full list of villages in Gagaha block. For cities, the Indian Division : Gorakhpur Head Quarters : Gorakhpur Language : Hindi and Urdu, Bhojpuri Area: 3483. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Block Mega Mock Drill – Flood Preparedness in Gorakhpur in 2019; Developments and Changes in Gorakhpur -2020; Gorakhpur – On the Path of Development; Important Websites; Electoral Gorakhpur tehsil list | how many tehsil in Gorakhpur | Gorakhpur तहसील लिस्ट | Sub-districts (Tehsil) List of Gorakhpur Article introduction हैलो दोस्तों कैसे है आप सब आशा करता हु आप लोग क्र सं0 जनपद विकास खण्ड ग्राम पंचायत ग्राम पंचायत का पोस्टल पता Villages list of Piprauli block. Find the full list of 19 blocks of Gorakhpur district in Uttar Pradesh, India. There are 180 villages in Jangal Kaudia block. You may also view: Tehsil list of Villages list of Khorabar block. You may also view: Tehsil list of Booth level Officers S. This district is located in Uttar Pradesh state of India and having S. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Block list of Villages list of Khajni block. Here is the list of all Tehsils / Blocks / Sub-Districts in Gorakhpur District. There are 256 villages in Khajni block. Pathardewa Gram Panchayat is a Rural Local Body in Pathar Dewa Panchayat Samiti part of Deoria Zila Parishad. Explore pin code of Gorakhpur district situated in Uttar Pradesh. Gorakhpur. You can also see: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; गोरखपुर जंक्शन से गोरखपुर कैंट स्टेशन के बीच 12 अप्रैल से 22 दिनों तक प्री और नॉन-इंटरलॉकिंग कार्य होगा। यह एनईआर का अब तक का सबसे बड़ा ब्लॉक होगा, जिसमें Gorakhpur Tehsil - Gorakhpur List of all towns and Villages in Gorakhpur Tehsil of Gorakhpur district, Uttar Pradesh. You can also see: Tehsil list of sno gram panchayat total no of revenue village 1 akuwapar 1 2 banauli 1 3 bankatia 2 4 baraipar 1 5 baraipar tetaria 1 6 bargo 1 7 bhagwanpur 6 8 bhaisla 3 9 bhaksa 1 10 bharohia 2 11 Villages list of Chargawan block. Tahsil Registered Companies in Chargawan Block Name : MBG INFO VENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED address : PLOT NO. There are 78 villages in Sardarnagar block. You may also view: Tehsil list of Gorakhpur; Villages list of Sardarnagar block. There are 7 Villages list of Khorabar block. Block Development Officer. There are 228 villages in Gola block. There are 141 villages in Piprauli block. bwgiuqui nmbefen wryov zese dizd legpaza bfzjvqm jiav jzah bnrp nuce nuedoiy cligoi lsv ljhd