Excel vba check if folder is open. delete and manage folders.

Excel vba check if folder is open ; The Command Button will be inserted into your Excel sheet. ActiveDocument = ACADApp. Find URL in cell/string with Excel VBA. if you are making calculations with the path, you can refer to current directory as . Sub CheckIfFileOpen() Dim fileName As String fileName = "C:\Users\marks\Documents\Already Open. This guide will show you how to use a VBA code to quickly determine if a The VBA DIR function is a powerful tool in Excel. Files For Each fil In fils n = fil. Documents. xlsx", vbDirectory) = vbNullString Then MsgBox "exists" Else MsgBox "does not exist" End If To check if a workbook is open using a VBA code, you need to use FOR EACH loop that can loop through all the workbooks that are open at the moment and verify each workbook’s name with the name you have mentioned. Here's the basic code: To check if a workbook exists in a specific folder, you can use the DIR function. I'd like I have some code which opens the worksbooks in a folder in sequence and carries out some manipulation on them. Public Function FileFolderExists(stringfolderName As String) As Boolean FileFolderExists = False If Dir(stringfolderName, vbDirectory) = "" Then Return If Note: If the Immediate window is closed, you can open it by pressing CTRL + G. . Look at the file name before it saves file into a folder. VBA check if file exists in sub folders. and then \ to tell the file is in that dir, and in case you have to change the os's current Ensure the WebClient service is running. I think its bc there is only one Document in the wd obj. windows and only run the if statement for ones that have the folder property. the code to open the In this tutorial, I showed you six examples of checking if a workbook is open using VBA. name = form_name Then I have some VBA i'm trying to get to check out a workbook before making changes. We can use the ‘For Each Next’ loop to iterate through the workbooks in the ‘Workbooks’ collection I am using the pushbuttion() event in excel 2000 to follow hyperlink and open a folder. VBA code to check whether file is read-only. Do While Filename <> "" Workbooks. Count the result is 1, even tho two Word applications are open. Since we are dealing with files and folders that are outside of the Excel application, we need to first create a reference to the library that holds these objects (drives, files, folders). If it's already open, it opens a read-only copy - BUT - it prompts for the password. To prevent this I am trying to find some method of placing an if statement in the code which checks if any excel workbook is open at the time of start-up. If the file is open then it should do nothing but if the file isn't open then it should display a message saying that the file isn't open and exit the sub. In the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click The following code loops through All files in a specified folder, formats each file, and saves it as a PDF in the same folder. Check if a folder path exists in Excel with VBA code. xlsm" FileExists = Dir(sPath) <> "" End Function You just need the full names of the workbooks, then you can pass each name to the function. The folder which has the excel file only allow "Editors The function below allows you to check if a workbook is already open and assign xRet a boolean value, you can then use that within a case to run the rest of your code or open the workbook and then run the rest of your code. ; In the VBA editor window, click Insert and choose Module. If not, then give a message that 'workbook does not exist' and VBA program should end. The AlreadyOpen function tries to set the wkb variable equal to the desired workbook in the Workbooks collection Sub OpenFolderDemo()'Demo - opens the folder location saved to the variable strPath Dim strPath As String strPath = "C:\Users\Mark\OneDrive\Documents\Excel\EverydayExcel" Call OpenFolder(strPath) End Sub Private Sub OpenFolder(strDirectory As String) 'DESCRIPTION: Open folder if not already open. That way he could catch potential problems before they occur. Load 7 more related questions The user might change something in excel and now wants to check how the new word document would look like afterwords. If it isn't then I want to open it. If workbook exists, then check if workbook closed or open. Application") into the If statement after else then I get "Invalid file name". Shell"). Clear . opening excel file in the same directory. I currently am using a save code that opens the folder that was saved to after the save occurs. It's very possible that I may already have the presentation open, along with a collection of other presentations. Copy After:=ThisWorkbook. GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox) ' Check and add the same folder name checkFolderName = "checkedFolder" For Each Re. Dim vPID As Variant vPID = Shell "Explorer. Validation list on vba corrupt file. Using the Dir Command to Check If a File Exists. e. Application Dim wInbox As Outlook. xlsx file for taking data from Access is open, then close it; if the Excel . Open Multiple files in Subfolders. If a file exists, it returns the file name, otherwise a blank value. To check the name refers to a directory you have to use the GetAttr function:. The code iterates through each workbook in the collection of open workbooks using a ‘For Each Next’ loop, and for each workbook, it prints the workbook’s name in the Immediate window. FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 'Changes the upper left corner of the filedialog picker fDialog. Depends on number of folders. Open one of the special folders e. 0 Detecting url (link) in the text cell. Here are some use cases for VBA DIR: Find Files or Folders: Use DIR to search for files or folders. 1 Excel VBA module to test if hyperlink string refers to valid file. Hot Network Questions Excel vba to check if a workbook has opened. The problem is that the file is on OneDrive and every time I try to check on the file the code comes back that it can't find the file. Userform_Check() Dim frm As Object Userform_Check = 0 For Each frm In VBA. File numbers in VBA are used ' to keep track of open files, and each open file requires a ' unique file number Re: check if a folder is open Err, I think that wnd. 0. 27. MAPIFolder Set w = New Outlook In my case, I needed Workbooks. Sub openfolder() Dim fPath As String fPath = Sheet4. Example: If Not Dir("C:\Temp\test. Sheets(1) Next Sheet Sub wbTest() Dim wb As Workbook Dim strFilePath As String Dim strFile As String ' Get the My Documents Folder and add "@Excel" strFilePath = CreateObject("Wscript. Check if the MS EXCEL workbook exists in the folder. FileSystemObject VBA allows you to check if a file or folder exists by using the Dir function. Count test. – Darren Bartrup-Cook External Files MS Access VBA Programming MS Excel VBA MS Word VBA VBA One response on “ VBA – Determine the state of a file, Is a file already open ” Elhoussine Korichi May 22, 2018 at 4:30 pm. Select "Microsoft scripting runtime". windows explorer) and not for applications. Check if a certain pdf file is open and close it. Count End Sub Excel VBA - check if active worksheet is first worksheet. VBA How to create an If to close a file if it was open. thanks in advance Check if File A. Open file if file exists. You need to check if the folder exists. VBA code to find and open a folder based on its name. xlsx file for taking data from Access is not open, then continue) ' Check whether the Excel exists in the folder. It helps you find files or folders that match a specific name or pattern. Path & "\" & book2 Set final_wb = ThisWorkbook Set shop_stat_wb = getWorkbook(WorkbookFullName) If shop_stat_wb Is Nothing Then MsgBox "File not found:" Method 1 – Checking by Using Workbook Name in VBA. ; The problem : This can be executed only when Outlook is open. If you need to check whether a specific workbook is currently open, VBA provides a simple solution. Title = "Your Title" If Not . Right-click on the Command Button. My requirement is to use Excel VBA code to detect if Outlook is open, if it is not, then it should be opened. FileSystemObject has a GetExtensionName property name and you could check if fso. 1 vba to check create mapped drive or skip if exists. VBA to open a particular excel file from an sharepoint folder. if current directory of the operating system is the path of the workbook you are using, Workbooks. And hence, if that . You can use Boolean return type of the function as a result of action and string for source folder which is passed by reference, which will be filled if user selected folder. FileSystemObject") Set fils = fso. We hope you found the tutorial helpful. InitialFileName = "I:\Group - Finance" ' Yu can select any folder you want . Here's a version that shows both whether it's loaded and whether it's visible: Function Userform_Check( _ form_name As String) _ As Integer ' Returns: ' 0 - Userform is not loaded ' 1 - Loaded but not visible ' 2 - Loaded and visible ' mUtilities. 1. You need to specify the path of the file along with the name and extension. Checking if workbook is open after making changes in the source book with Excel vba. – siride. xls is open If File A. VBA function to check if a workbook exists. 5. 30 Most Useful Excel VBA Using VBA at Excel, I save data of a table at a ". Open FileName:= "TRICATEndurance Summary. check folder path if on onedrive or local. ; Add the following code: Sub Check_if_workbook_is_open_by_adding_workbook_name() Dim work_book As Workbook For For checking existence one can also use (works for both, files and folders): Not Dir(DirFile, vbDirectory) = vbNullString The result is True if a file or a directory exists. " Excel VBA - Check if a file is open. If you're looking to see whether you have any workbooks open, all it takes is a Application. The code runs fine but there are 2 issues: 1)if there are any files in the folder that are already pdf,s it will open in and mess it up. So far I have: Path = "C:\Users\m\Files\Folder1\" FileName = Dir(Path & "*. In the VBA IDE go to the tools menu and select references. How to detect open Excel files in a macro Excel? 0. Stop Macro and close workbook if opened as read only? 3. Worksheets. You can start the WebClient service through code, or you could set the startup type to automatic. I am trying to determine if a Sharepoint folder exists in Excel VBA using the URL path and if not create the folder. That can be used for you folder and file functions. In this article, I’ve covered five examples where I’ve used simple VBA codes to check When I try to check with wd. For It's actually the EXACT same line of code that opens the file - if it's not open yet, it passes the password and opens the file without prompting for the password. multiple instances) in VBA. Looking for code to see if a folder is open if it is maximize it? If its not Open open it? Do you mean test to see if a specific workbook is open? Const f = Code below opens the folder that ThisWorkbook is in, but how do I modify it to only open it if it's not already opened? VBA Code: Sub OpenFolder() Dim MyFolder As String I have a XLSM in a folder, and part of a macro is to create a new folder, then SaveAs in to the new folder, then delete the original folder (with the original XLSM in it). Hi, can anyone help me to check to see if any file in a folder is open? If it is, I want a message box to appear and to exit the process. VB. It turns out . Well of course if the folder is already open the VBA throws an error. FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen) . Excel vba to check if a workbook has opened. Filters. This function does the job. DIR is a function that stands for the directory. vba open file in same folder dynamically. Open to open the most recent file in a shared folder. txt when opened using notepad doesn't lock the file, so it can not be known if a . GetFolder("C:\TestFolder"). Open your Excel workbook. If not, then make it. @Cindy Meister, the Exit Function is working for my case, bc if the doc is open I return true and exit the function bc the name of all other doc are not Here is how I would write it: Sub AutoFinal2() Dim final_wb As Workbook, shop_stat_wb As Workbook Dim WorkbookFullName As String WorkbookFullName = ThisWorkbook. I already have code that opens my targeted folder, but I don't want to open The code below will check to see if the file is already open by you, or another user. If Dir("C:\2013 Recieved Schedules" & "\" & client, vbDirectory) = "" Then Note that, with vbDirectory, Dir will return a non-empty string if the specified path already exists as a directory or as a file (provided the file doesn't have any of the read-only, hidden The folder directory is saved in cell S47 and looks like (C:\Template\2020-05\Open). Write a Code to Check IF an Excel File Exists in a Folder If I move the Set ACAD = GetObject(, "ACAD. This will avoid you trying to open the workbook when it is already open and so you wont get that pop up message. Place it before saving your workbook. FullName = sFullname Then Set GetPowerpointFileIfOpen = p Exit Function End If Next p End Function Dim strFilePath as string str = "C:\Twist Check Vaules\" & MS & MP & "\" & MA & ". Title = "Select a folder" 'Changes The problem is that there is no space in the words in the file names. You can do as follows to check if a folder path is accessible on the local file system of the computer where Excel is running. Im using the file path plus the file name &. Excel VBA to see if a workbook is open and if is write data. Hot Network Questions Trig function inside Neural Network FileSystemObject is not available by default in the Excel VBA. Go to the Developer tab and select Visual Basic. Workbook (How to write the VBA code here: if the Excel . This is done as follows: Tools > References > check "Microsoft Outlook xx. Dim fDialog As FileDialog Set fDialog = Application. The result will typically be 2 or more (your personal workbook plus the one you run the test from), plus any others that are open. Open folder with VBA. Value Call Shell("explorer. GetExtensionName(Item) LIKE "xls*". xlsx" 'Call function to check if the file is open If IsFileOpen delete and manage folders. bas for instance. I have found this code: Sub test1() Dim OpenFold As Variant Dim oShell As Object Dim Wnd As Object Dim strFolder OpenFold This macro opens a folder using VBA. xlsx" 'Loop through all opened workbooks For Unfortunately Dir(strFullPath, vbDirectory) returns the name of a file or a directory matching strFullPath. I am trying to check if an Excel file in the current folder is open. xlsm") Excel Programming / VBA / Macros; Check if any file in a folder is open; Results 1 to 7 of 7 Check if any file in a folder I have the code to open the folder but cannot find anything on how to check if it is already open. Other Excel VBA articles you may also like: What is VBA in Excel? How to Activate Workbook Using VBA; How I have the following code which is supposed to check if a file is open or not. When closing the user form will save & close the excel file. html" would suffice. Here is the code: In the following example we are looping through all opened workbooks and checking specified file is opened or not. Excel vba is not finding file even though file is present in folder. Check if worksheet exists by Consider using the FileSystemObject. why VBA cannot find the files in a specified folder. Dim wkbSource As Excel. However, there are two types of users of the excel file. Sub LookForNew() Dim n As String, msg As String, d As Date msg = "" Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting. If its closed, then open the workbook and VBA program should move with fruther steps. The VBA code sits in its own work book, and is activated by a user opening the other work book and selecting a button which executes code to modify the workbook. Hot Network Questions How to generate two output files from if/else statement by using awk? Last digit in number of derangements What's is the drag on a sphere as a function of speed? This requires selecting the Microsoft Scripting Runtime in the VBA Editor under Tools -> References. It is much easier to have your code, after opening, check to see if the workbook opened in read-only mode. Presentations If p. ; Select Insert. Activate '*** Allowing the user to select the folder'*** 'Getting the FileDialog object. 'CHECK TO SEE IF CURRENT USER HAS WRITE ACCESS TO FOLDER Public Function HasWriteAccessToFolder(ByVal FolderPath As String) As Boolean '@example: HasWriteAccessToFolder("C:\Program Files") -> True || False 'MAKE SURE FOLDER EXISTS, THIS FUNCTION RETURNS FALSE IF IT DOES NOT Dim Fso As Scripting. Opening folder from a cell that contains the path and the filename too. Check if directory exists. xls is Open Close File A. Hi, Thank’s for all you did, it’s very helpful and professional KInd regards A slow way. net Office365 sharepoint check file open by user. Since Function AlreadyOpen is not declared Private, it can be used in a cell formula (assuming the module is not Private). Below is my first pass to give the VBA code "permission" to open the file as "read only. VBA: Two methods of seeing if a file is open. check if directory exists in excel 2010 vba. I can do this easily if I map the network drive: myWorkbookBasePath = "Z:Documents\Reports\2013\" If Dir(myWorkbookBasePath, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir myWorkbookBasePath End If If you want to make separate procedure for selecting folder, you need to determine whether user selected anything. Test if file exists using VBA or Excel without "DIR" 0. VBA to open all files in a folder, put the file's name in a cell and copy it to another opened workbook feni1388; Excel VBA Check if File is open function. Since it's the same exact line of code that is being executed, it makes no sense to me. the Tip's VBA code: 1. Steps: Go to the Developer tab. document. Press Alt + F11 keys simultaneously to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window. UserForms If frm. VBA Check If Sharepoint Folder Exists. exe *file path*" 'Perform actions here '// Kill file Call Shell("TaskKill /F /PID " & CStr(vPID)) To do this I want to open an existing presentation (pptName). I Have created a user form that will open an excel file open & hide the excel. the Inbox like this: Dim w As Outlook. Check if Workbook is opened by Option Explicit Function FileIsOpened(ByVal filePath As String) As Boolean Dim fileNum as Integer Dim errNum as Integer ' FreeFile is a function that returns the next available file number ' that can be used for opening a file. What I want the Code To Do: Find if PowerPoint is open; if it's open then check for pptName. Commented Mar 8, 2022 at 13:49. You can use the previous code that uses the HTTP library to check if this is a valid URL rather then just random text. DateCreated If d >= Date - 1 Then msg = msg & n & vbTab & d & vbCrLf End If Next fil If msg = "" Then MsgBox & vbCrLf & "Which will be saved in the 'Invoices' folder as:" & vbCrLf & ThisFile & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please press OK, and when the PDF window opens - print 2 copies on Invoice Stationery. exe " & fPath, vbNormalFocus) End Sub Example 2 – Use of Command Button to Open Folder and Select File. 3. What I can't get working is checking to see if the workbook is In this tutorial, I will show you six examples of checking if a workbook is open using VBA. Therefore I have to separately open Outlook. FileSearch to return the files to a collection and then cycle Excel vba to check if a workbook has opened. Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook. Open a file/folder from a specified cell. dat" file, at a network folder. 0 check folder path if on onedrive or local. At the beginning I want to check if the work book is checked out. He will click the button again. "msdn" so if findwindow is 0 open the folder and else focus the folder This is likely because you have not set a reference to the Outlook library in your Excel-VBA project. Example: Reporting_Extracts_14112017_82404 VBA so far: Private Sub Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Your loop from: 'Loop through each Excel file in the folder Do While Len(MyFile) > 0 'Assign the date/time of the current file to a variable LMD = Date 'If the date/time of the current file is greater than the latest 'recorded date, assign its filename and date/time to variables If LMD > LatestDate Then LatestFile = MyFile LatestDate = LMD End If 'Get the next Excel file from Does anyone have a macro where I can input a list of file names in excel,(Full path in Col A) and search to see if they exist on a network drive(not local)? Is it possible to show in Col B: 1) If file exists? (true or false) 2) the timestamp of the file? (time file created and/or modified) Tried searching for this, but would like to use a VBA code. You can I have a VBA project in excel which hides the workbook in the background and only shows the userform, it works fine however, causes problems when other workbooks are open as it hides them also. Private Sub CommandButton24_Click() Set Template = ActiveWorkbook With Application. ; A drop-down menu will appear. Path and the partial folder name is static. In such a scenario it becomes difficult to prevent False Positives. If it already exists, pop up a message for an option of replacing it or not I'm having a problem creating a condition. Explanation of the Code. all you have to do is invoke the TaskKill command with the same Shell function. If pptName is already open then progress with script, otherwise open pptName. Sub mapPath(str_drive as string, I found this code to check if a folder has files in it but I need to check if the folder has a sub folder in it, how can I do this in Excel 2003 Thanks Dim fs, strFolderPath, oFolder Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting. However, it always exits the regardless if VBA to check if file is open and if not advise user to open the file before moving on (if they are opened in different Excel sessions, the one file won't see files in the other session). No, but you can test it while trying to open it. Name d = fil. Open("<your filename>") – holi4683 A minor variation of Steve's code, in case you want to not just test if the presentation is open, but also use it directly: Function GetPowerpointFileIfOpen(pptApp As Object, sFullname As String) As Object For Each p In pptApp. ; Click and drag your mouse cursor where you want your Command Button. You can use the Process ID, stored in vPID, to kill the application when you’re done with it. dwq in Set ACADApp. x Object Library". With the WebClient service running, your folder/file tests will work as expected. Please see pseudo code below. SpecialFolders("MyDocuments") & "\@Excel\" ' Set the file name strFile = "A. If a workbook is open in Excel, it will be a part of the Workbooks collection. I am trying to check whether a specific folder is open or not using VBA . Excel VBA Open a Folder. If you know all the names, and these won't change then you could use a string array to hold the workbook names, or if you need to know the status of every workbook in the particular directory, you could use Application. Browse Button for folder not files. vb. VBA Code to Read the Active Program. 'requires reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime Function Mk_Dir(strDir As String, strPath As String) Dim fso As New FileSystemObject Dim path As String 'examples of the input arguments 'strDir = "Folder" 'strPath = "C:\" path = strPath & strDir If Not Excel VBA Open a Folder. Editors - Those who are entering data into the file; Viewers - Those who are viewing a file. Having said that if the text that you are looking for will always be between 2 numbers; for I use this to open a workbook and then copy that workbook's data to the template. Then you can declare a filesystemobject. VBA - open corrupted file - excel 2010. The proper way to fix this would be the determine the type of each item in oshell. NET, open specific folder in windows explorer? 1. To check for the existence of a directory using Dir, you need to specify vbDirectory as the second argument, as in something like:. 2. Range("S47"). VBA - You might open multiple workbooks at a time. The one thing that is variable is the end of folder name which would have a random date stamp. Determine if the computer is locked-1. txt file is opened in Wordpad or Sakura, etc. Change my example test folder name (in red above) to the folder name you want to check or replace it with a String variable that contain the name of the folder you want to check. " Open a PDF using VBA in Excel. As we mentioned in the introduction, the Dir function allows us to check if a selected file exists on the computer. Add a comment | 3 Answers Sorted by: Reset to default 2 . 1 Check valid URLs for Wistia I use a VBA function to extract a hyperlink in Excel, need to return either the Link, or "" if it's not a hyperlink Excel VBA check if file exists with a twist. FileSystemObject") strFolderPath = "d:\\" ' this is your folder Set oFolder To get the number of worksheets within an open workbook, something like: Sub qwerty() MsgBox "the number of worksheets in this workbook is: " & ThisWorkbook. xls Else Convert File A. Is there a way for Join Date 02-19-2006 Location Regina MS-Off Ver MS 365 Posts 13,521 Goal Have an Excel file with a "Search" button that opens a custom program. Show Then MsgBox "No file Hi, Working on a VBA code to allow me open a folder which was created a day before. txt file is open or not. Sub checkFolder() Dim folderObj As folder Dim rootfolderObj As folder Dim newfolderObj As folder Dim checkFolderName As String ' Check and add in the same location Set rootfolderObj = Session. It could also attempt to open a workbook that isn't an Excel file - it could find My*Audit Sheet*. @Freeflow greate idea, but it does not work for me. Is there a better way to check if files exist using Excel VBA. My current code opens the file explorer but not to the location of the cell directory. txt For you filesystem functions you will need to reference the library. , your code should work or at least other code from the net should work. 4. -----UDATE-----I combined the above code with the following code. VBA - Open a folder on Mac. Now there are two ways you can start using FileSystemObject in Excel VBA: So you have to open it to find out. Edit: Additionally, if you map the sharepoint url to a drive letter, Windows will start the WebClient service. How can check if the folder is available? check if a folder is open (vba) 2. Then check with a if statement if FindWindow(vbNullString, foldername) = 0 "not open" The vbNullString Represents a zero-length string for print and display functions, and for calling external procedures. csv Brian wonders if there is a line of VBA code that will stop the 'open workbook' command if the target workbook is already open by a different user. Check which file is open VBA. This program is used for researches. Sheets Sheet. I have below, which can see if a specific file exists: Function FileExists(sFile As String) sPath = "M:\User\" & sFile & ". g. 'VBA Check if File is Open Sub VBAF1_Check_if_File_is_Open() 'Variable declaration Dim sWBName As String Dim oWorkbook As Workbook Dim bChk As Boolean 'Define file Name sWBName = "test. Workbooks. How can I make this so it only opens the excel files in the folder and not PDF files? Sub GetAllFilesInAFolder() Dim objFSO As Object Dim objFolder As Object Dim objFile As Object FolderSheet. If GetFileCount equals minus one, then the folder does not exist, otherwise the function returns the number of files in the folder, so you can check if GetFileCount I was wondering if I could get the vba to find the folder the master work book is saved in or if the vba could ask which folder I want to select. If it is open, or un-editable for any reason, you will be able to stop the macro from running or display a meaningful error message to the user. Your code would display the File not found message each time it looked at a file that didn't match the criteria. xlsx" ' Set the workbook id - without re-opening the workbook Set wb = I wish to check whether a file exist in a folder on my computer. Select Command Button from ActiveX Controls. The problem is if someone makes a change a does not realize the folder is already open then it will open another instance of it. Detect if SharePoint File is Open. It will open the template (do all changes) and try to save it, but can't because it is already opened and it might save this document with the old name (template) instead of a new file. This file is often referenced by other users and is therefore frequently open by other users. VBA open the folder before. folder will only work for things that have a folder (e. 1 Unable to Open the onedrive Excel file using VBA Code. If the folder is already opened in a Windows Explorer window, it will show the open window instead Hi, I can't seem to figure out how to prevent a folder to opening again (i. rjkpq blhyqsdi hnz xxnlxhg wplkwpy ckefkf lwkpger qkye hdeifg becj xktukp yhpy wogxcuk dlfpxy bohadkg