Greenville county family court docket. Depending on the circumstances of your case, a counselor .
Greenville county family court docket View Case Information. 1 (Winter 1985):13-15. Box 6067 Greenville, NC 27835 (252) 695-7100 (252) 695-7287 (Family Court) Fax: (252) 830-3196 (Family Court) The Pitt County Clerk of the Superior Court maintains all court records in the county. Account Book 1896 to 1905, 154 pages Estate Records over 80,000 pages Guardian and Trustee Accounts 1865 to 1878, 410 pages. County Number: 23. 7375. Our address is: Darke County Municipal Court 504 South Broadway, Suite 7 Greenville, OH 45331. Family Court PO Box 27107 Greenville, SC 29616 (864) 467-8076. Brice Garrett Clerk of Court 305 E. Email us at: cinfo@co. including Greenville County, SC bankruptcy, civil, probate, traffic, and criminal records, court case calendars, and dockets. Staff: The Family Court Unit of the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor's Office serves the citizens of Greenville County by handling the prosecution of crimes County and District Court Dockets; JP Court Dockets; Follow Us on Facebook; District Clerk. South Carolina law allows for expungements under limited circumstances. Top. Additionally, requests can be sent to the County Attorney’s Office via mail (Greenville County Attorney’s Office, 301 University Ridge, Suite N-4000, Greenville, SC 29601), or hand delivery to the County Administrative Building. Information you need to have at hand Family Court; Financial Operations; Fleet Management; Floodplain Management; Forensic Division; G + Greenville County Municipalities For information about court schedules and other docket information, please visit the Clerk of Court’s Court Support page. Our mission is to preserve the rights of the citizens of Greenville and Pickens counties while vigorously prosecuting those who violate the law. Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records Greenville County. as an associate attorney, becoming partner in that firm in March 2000. General Sessions Court hears cases that are felonies or higher court cases. EXPUNGEMENTS. You search by name or by case number. Introduction. Search our databases, request records, and find civil, criminal, tax, and judicial cases. 5856 Fax Email. Quick Links In Greenville County the Family Court is located at 350 Halton Road in Greenville. D divorces and juvenile criminal cases are heard in Family Court; small claims, misdemeanors, and traffic tickets are heard in one of several Magistrate Courts or Municipal Courts. Greenville County Family Court 350 Halton Rd. In the past, attorneys and litigants alike had to call or physically go up to the Family Court to get information on a filing. Lehmann Jr. North Street Greenville County Courthouse Greenville, SC 29601 864-467-8551 Contact Family Court Phone: (864)898-5363 Fax: (864)898-5863 Mailing Address: Attn Family Court, P. Jay Gresham Greenville County Clerk of Court 305 E North St Greenville, SC 29601-2121 . Hayden Hampton, Deputy Clerk of Court for Family Court Services | Family Court Docket Email: [email protected] Bailee Jones, Family Court Clerk Email: [email An order signed by the Honorable Judge Robert N. Greenville, SC 29607 864-467-5800. S. 13, No. Her family relocated to Greenville, South Carolina in January 1997, and she joined Wilkins & Madden, P. If your court order provided for specific dates and times that you are to have visitation and that is being denied, you can come to Greenville County Family Court and request the “Contempt of Find court, criminal, marriage, divorce, and property records from Greenville County. LINKS Family Court Public Case/Docket Search ; Department of Social Services; 13th Circuit Solicitor's Office; South Carolina Court of The Greenville county Summary Court Judges (Magistrates) have countywide jurisdiction and are committed to assisting the citizens of Greenville County. PICKENS MAGISTRATES AND DOCKETS. 5906. In February 2006, Judge Conits was elected to the South Carolina Family Court Requests can be made directly to all County departments and agencies. It is our hope that the valuable information found here will help you and the court work together more efficiently. LETTER TO PARENTS. Greenville County Family Court is located in Greenville county in South Carolina. mental health court. pre-trial intervention. Fax: Greenville, SC 29616 . Family Access case records for Greenville County Circuit Courts - access online court records for Family case records, get updates, download documents and more. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER. Dunbar PO Box 27107 Greenville, SC 29616. darke. Circuit Number: 13. Access databases for detailed case information. 100 West 3rd Street P. Tarita A. Kittredge on January 2, 2025, becoming the youngest person in the county’s history to hold the Greenville County Family Court Records. Depending on the circumstances of your case, a counselor Copies of County Records; Curbing. e. worthless check program. Fax: (864) 467-2395 Access county, state, and federal resources meant to help you in any of your court or law needs. Office: (864) 467-8551 Court Agency. new start program. 13th circuit second appearance report form; solicitor inquiry. Mailing Address: P. 5800 Office 864. State Tax Liens after this date and Federal Tax Liens are located at the Greenville County Register of Deeds Office located in County Square on University Ridge. ALCOHOL EDUCATION PROGRAM. View Greenville County historical records including Circuit Court Common Pleas calendars and judgment indexes, General Sessions dockets, and various Probate Court records. , Deputy Court Administrator Search by Person All Philadelphia Municipal Court docket numbers begin with ‘MC-51’ (Example: MC-51-SU-0009999-2017). The Family Court is a formal court of record, and operates under the South Carolina Constitution, the code of Laws of South Carolina, and the Rules of Family Court. Family Court Index search. A. The courts in Greenville County are divided into Circuit, Family, Probate, Magistrate, and Municipal Courts. District Court for the District of South Carolina: Presiding Judge: Donald C Coggins: Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on February 10, 2025. Learn how to view docket numbers, case types, dates, attorneys, and links to case documents for civil and Find links to court dockets and calendars for South Carolina courts by county and court type. The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide to the Greenville County Family Court for those who may be facing a legal issue or Both the Circuit Court and the Family Court are courts of record in which a court reporter records all proceedings in the courtroom. The Clerk provides a self-service terminal at the office for the public to access these records. court dockets and related information. , of July 15, 1999 states in part: "This order applies to all contested Family Court cases filed and pending in, Greenville County, South Carolina, except cases involving Department of Social Services, Domestic Abuse Petitions, Juvenile hearings and uncontested matters and shall remain in effect until further Order of the The Clerk is the official records custodian for all civil, criminal, and family court proceedings. us Get free Greenville County Court Records from 18 Courts in Greenville County, SC and 16 official Court record directories. Judge Seldon T. The phone number for Greenville County Family Court is 864-467-5800 and the fax number is 864-467-5856. In 2024, this changed as you now can search for a filed case through a portal specific to Family Court. Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Monday - Friday public records search greenville sc, greenville county sc criminal records, greenville county court public index, greenville county court docket, greenville county court records search, greenville county deeds search, thirteenth judicial circuit public index, greenville county public records arrest Two, Microsoft, and talk, read, not cover from chronic disorders that damage. Floyd Baker Blvd. O. Law simplifying state trial courts. Darke County Municipal Court is located on the third floor of the courthouse. JUVENILE ARBITRATION The Thirteenth Circuit Drug Court program is a In Greenville County the Family Court is located at 350 Halton Road in Greenville. Agency Judge Roster Type Begin Date End Date Roster Description; Greenville General Sessions : Verdin, Letitia H: Off Bond Motions : 03/06/2020 9:30 AM: 03/06/2020: Off Bond Motion Docket - March 6, 2020 @ 9:30 AM Off Bond Motion Docket - March 6, 2020 @ 9:30 AM 2020 @ 9:30 AM : Greenville County Here you will find a public records search that includes: marriage, divorce, criminal, arrests, mugshots, missing persons & more. Your Family Court Case Manager will be your contact person for questions about your case. If you have any other questions about General Sessions or Criminal court dates, you will need to contact the Thirteenth Circuit Solicitor 's Office at 467. View Case Records » All official records of the County and the offices of countywide elected officials are on file in their respective offices and may be reviewed by the public at those offices. Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; Master in Equity Sales Roster; Greenville County Bondsmen; Online Payments - Greenville; Online Payments - Pickens; Probate Court; Marriage License Search; Solicitor's Office Family Court; Financial Operations; Fleet Management; Floodplain Management; + Greenville County Municipalities use property for a surety bond, all Property Owner(s) must appear in person (with a picture ID) at the Clerk of Court 's office, Criminal Records Department, to complete an "Application for Pledge of Real Estate for Surety . Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records On November 5, 2024, Jay was elected Clerk of Court for Greenville County and was sworn in as Clerk of Court by South Carolina Chief Justice John W. "2025 " i. 467. Judge Leila N. Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records County: Greenville (Circuit: 13) Pamela E. These laws and rules may be found in the Greenville County Main Library or Greenville Technical College Library. greenville county courthouse Family Court Domestic Relations Docket Search < Home First Judicial District, Pennsylvania Nina Wright Padilla, President Judge Walter J. general sessions dockets. Use this website for informational purposes only, read more. Gaffney, SC 29340. Greenville County maintains all records for Greenville Municipal Court cases. If you want to find out if a payment has been received, you can call 864. Greenville County Courthouse Courthouse 305 E North St Greenville, SC 29601-2121 864-467-8551. Greenville Courthouse Phone: 864-467-8647 Home Solicitor's Biography Court Information News Contact Us: Pickens Courthouse Phone: 864-898-5905 Anderson County Family Court has exclusive jurisdiction over all matters involving domestic or family relationships. The Public Access to Court Records (PACER) US website can help you find case and docket information. McElrath Judge James E. Box 215, Pickens, SC 29671 If you have questions about a Family Court hearing, please contact the Docket Clerk by phone at (864)898-5652 or email at pcfcdocket@pickenscountysc. 100 and 23A. can be done to remove your name from the court docket. Greenville County Family Court is a specialized court that deals with a range of family-related legal matters. TRAFFIC EDUCATION PROGRAM. org Contact Information Mailing Address & Office Location: P. Greenville County Probate Court Calendar View the Greenville County Probate Court calendar by month, week, or day. 📜 PICKENS MAGISTRATES AND DOCKETS. Susan Spradling Hunt County District Clerk. "LastName, FirstName" Searching Family Court Search Search Criteria : Case Number i. C. View court case records, criminal records, convictions, warrants, and background checks. , of July 15, 1999 states in part: "This order applies to all contested Family Court cases filed and pending in, Greenville County, South Carolina, except cases involving Department of Social Services, Domestic Abuse Petitions, Juvenile hearings and uncontested matters and shall remain in effect until further Order of the View and download Greenville County Circuit Court civil forms and instructions including jury trial, non-jury trial and motions, general docket, and civil action. family court juvenile diversion services. Family Court Search Search Criteria : Case Number i. Office: (864) 467-8074. View Greenville County Family Court dockets by courtroom, date, attorney, or case number. DRUG COURT. The 13th Judicial Circuit Solicitor's Office offers information about diversion services and programs in Greenville and Pickens Counties, including Alcohol Education Program, Adult and Juvenile Drug Courts, Mental Health Court, Pre-Trial Intervention, Traffic Education, Juvenile Arbitration, and Juvenile Diversion; a glossary of common terms; and information about expungement of Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; Master in Equity Sales Roster; Greenville County Bondsmen; Online Payments - Greenville; Online Payments - Pickens; Probate Court; Marriage License Search; Solicitor's Office The Thirteenth Judicial Circuit includes Greenville and Pickens counties. The Hon. Unlike the Circuit Court, the Family Court does not employ the use of juries. Find information about court proceedings and filings in Greenville County Court. Foster Judge Latoya T. pgreen@sccourts. South Carolina Family Court Search. Court reporters are state employees who are assigned to record the proceedings of an assigned judge. The Greenville County Family Court has exclusive authority to preside over cases related to domestic disputes. Search by Last Name/First Name GREENVILLE MAGISTRATES AND DOCKETS. Promote public trust and confidence in our court; We strive to be as efficient as possible through the use of technology and to continually enhance our operational practices based on benchmarks and industry best practices. Family Court jurisdiction is defined by KRS 23A. For Greenville County Family Court, view the docket by date and hearing type. Family Court Search Search Criteria : Case Number i. "LastName, FirstName" Searching Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records Greenville County. [Butler] "A Butler Family of Greenville District," The South Carolina Magazine of Ancestral Research, Vol. Family Court records, including divorces Greenville County Family Court’s mailing address is P. 29607 864. The twenty-one magistrates serve in seven courts throughout Greenville County. LINKS Family Court Public Case/Docket Search ; Department of Social Services; 13th Circuit Solicitor's Office; South Carolina Court of Docket Location Map. Office: (864) 487-2568. Appellate Court(Supreme, Superior, Commonwealth) docket numbers begin with a number, followed by two or three letters, and then a four-digit year (Examples: 4000 WDA 2017, 4000 EAL 2017, 4000 CD 2017) County: Judicial District: If you require verified information as to the records of the Darke County Municipal Court, please follow the Public Records Policy. Roster Type Begin Date. Filter cases further by date of filing, jurisdiction, case type, party type, and party representation. Greenville County Family Court’s mailing address is P. This is a three story red brick building with a sign on your left as you enter downtown Greenville. Search public court records from Greenville County Court of General Sessions - Thirteenth Circuit online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. These records are available to title examiners and the public for research from 8:30 am to 5:00 p. Appeals from Family Court cases are heard by the South Carolina Court of Appeals. Family Court 350 Halton Rd, Suite 306 Greenville, S. Superior Court Docket: Family Court Case Information. How-to guides and links provided. As your elected Solicitor, I With a population of over 528,200, Greenville County in South Carolina has its county seat in the city of Greenville and is the most populous county in the state. The court address is 301 University Ridge, PO Box 757, Greenville, SC 29602. FAMILY COURT JUVENILE DIVERSION SERVICES. Greenville County Probate Court Records. NEW START PROGRAM. Greenville, SC 29616 864. . Box 2289 Gaffney, SC 29342. Date of Service: _____ The criminal records that are within the jurisdiction of General Sessions court are the warrants, indictments, sentence sheets, bond papers and other related documents that have been filed with the Greenville County Clerk of Court. Frequently Asked Questions; Download Forms; Download Information Pamphlets and Brochures; South Carolina Code of Laws – Probate; South Carolina Judicial Department Forms - Important! After you click on this link, you will need to select and submit 'Probate Court' for Search #1. Monday through Friday in Suite 1300 of County Square, located at 301 University Ridge. "LastName, FirstName" Searching An order signed by the Honorable Judge Robert N. gov. Box 27107 Greenville, SC 29616 and its physical address is 350 Halton Road, Greenville, SC. Family Court Docket; Judges Index; Helpful Information. Olszewski, Administrative Judge Edward V. You can search the A uniform statewide Family Court was established in South Carolina by statute in 1976 and implemented July 1, 1977. County: Spartanburg (Circuit: 7) In addition to the family matters heard in Circuit Court, Family Court judges also handle family law matters that were traditionally decided in District Court. Greenville County Charges (only) Pretrial Intervention Office Greenville County 350 Halton Road, Suite 301 does not have any criminal charges pending in Free Greenville County Court Records Search. I receive support from someone on wage withholding and the payment is late. Clerk of Court 305 E. PRE-TRIAL INTERVENTION. Marriage, divorce, birth, and death records can be obtained through the Department of Health and Environmental Control. 8647. Fax: (864) 467-8500 Records Search. Has someone filed a case against me? Search public court records from Greenville County Court of Common Pleas - Thirteenth Circuit online for free with easy to use case search tools for finding court cases and case summaries by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. Box 1885 212 Deming Way Summerville, SC 29483. Obrien, Sr. LINKS Family Court Public Case/Docket Search ; Department of Social Services; 13th Circuit Solicitor's Office; South Carolina Court of These laws and rules may be found in the Greenville County Main Library or Greenville Technical College Library. Phone: 864-487-2570 Fax: 864-902-1119. It is located in Greenville, South Carolina and has jurisdiction over cases that arise within the county. In Greenville County the Family Court is located at 350 Halton Road in Greenville. Pursuant to sections 2-19-80 and 63-3-40 of the South Carolina Code of Laws, Family Court judges are elected by a joint public vote of the General Assembly for term of six years. Clerk of Court Records Search; Virtual Courtroom Links and Instructions; Tips For Internet Use; Holiday Schedule; Contact Information Clerk of Court Jay Gresham Greenville County Courthouse 305 East North Street Greenville, SC 29601 Top. juvenile arbitration staff victim witness. attorney login; privacy and confidentiality of discovery memo; defense attorney user guide; greenville county defense attorney docket Greenville County School Board + Greenville County Municipalities The City of Fountain Inn; The City of Greenville; The City of Greer; The City of Mauldin Family Court records, including divorces, between 1925 and April 1996 are located at the Clerk’s Circuit Court Office at 305 E. North Street Greenville County Courthouse Greenville, SC 29601 864-467-8551. There are direct links to the Court Dockets and the detailed Juror List is now available free of charge through this site. general sessions - greenville & pickens; magistrates dockets - greenville & pickens . Greenville County, located in the northwestern region of South Carolina, is the state's most populous county, with an estimated population of 568,227 as of 2024. "001234"Party i. Greenville County Bond Court 20 McGee Street Greenville, SC 29601-2210. DIVERSION SERVICES. Box 819 Reidville, SC 29375 . Peden Cherokee County Family Court 125 E. O. View Court Rosters » Clerk of Court; Court Records Search; Master in Equity Sales Roster; Greenville County Bondsmen; Online Payments - Greenville; + Greenville County Municipalities you can go to Family Court and speak with a counselor. Jenkins, Sr. Box 757, Greenville, SC, 29602 Greenville County. A listing of current court dockets can be found on the Greenville County Solicitor's web site. 5906 Greenville County Family Court: Case Number: 6:2025cv00723: Filed: February 10, 2025: Court: U. Greenville County Family Court Forms View and download Greenvile County Family Court mediation and hearing request forms. second appearances. 301 University Ridge, Greenville, SC 29602 Mailing Address: P. anti-drug calendar 2022. you may also refer to the Martindale-Hubbel legal directory in the reference section of the Main Branch of The Clerk of Court and Greenville County have provided this site for your convenience. Office: (864) 467-2402. 206 S Main Street, Greenville, SC 29601; Police Non-Emergency: 864-271-5333. Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Family Court Greenville County. How Judges are elected to the SC Family Court. North Street. Court, Criminal, Marriage, Divorce, Property. Letonya T. Family Court Search, Family Court Roster, Child Support Case Info, Orders Of Protection and Family Court Judges. Contact Information: Family Court 350 Halton Rd, Suite 306 Greenville, S. traffic education program. Trellis. 110 and includes the following: Dissolution of marriage; Spousal support and equitable; Distribution Search Greenville County Family Court case records by case number or party name. The ROD is an office established by the South Carolina Code and is a position elected once every 4 years by the citizens of Greenville County. Depending on the circumstances of your case, a counselor The Hon. Reena Thomason Clerk of Court 100 South Main Street Anderson, SC 29624 864-260-4053. Green. Advance Sheets AIS Court Records - Appellate Court Court Records - Family Court Court Records Cherokee County Courthouse Gaffney, SC 29342 . Greenville Cares Information Center 864-232-2273 Greenville County plans to continue its efforts at providing historical records online. Family Court records after April 1996 are located at the Family Court Office at 301 University Ridge. Common examples are property disputes between spouses, granting of alimony, dissolution of marriages, child support and custody matters, and legal change of names. oh. They also manage the grand jury process and provide support to the offices of the solicitor and judges of Greenville County. All matters involving domestic and family relationships, and those involving minors who are neglected or abused or those under the age of seventeen who are alleged to have violated a state law or municipal ordinance are within the Family Court's Court Agency: Greenville County Common Pleas: Filed Date: 04/27/2021: Case Type: Common Pleas: Case Sub Type: Motor Veh Accid 320: File Type: Jury: Status: Dismissed: Assigned Judge: Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Family Court: Disposition: Dismissed per Rule 41(a) Disposition Date: 08/14/2023: Disposition Judge: Clerk Of Court C P, G S, And Office of Circuit Court Clerk Circuit Court Clerk: Camron Laycock Phone Circuit: 270-338-4850 District: 270-338-0995 🔎 Discover Greenville County, SC court records, manage civil court records, request transcripts, and more. C. TDunbarSC@sccourts. If you have questions concerning Family Court, please contact: Lauren McCarthy (252) 695-7287 (252) 830-3196 Fax. MENTAL HEALTH COURT. Office: (864) 467-5854 Fax: (864) 467-5966. Plans for future collections include: Sheriff's Records - Jail Books, Writ Book, Sale Book; Council Commissioners - Minute Books; Probate Court - Account Book, Will Books; Court of General Sessions - General Sessions Index/Docket records. Occupation: _____ _____ I have served on a circuit court jury within this calendar year. org. I am a clerk of court, deputy clerk of court, constable, sheriff, commissioned law enforcement officer, probate judge, county commissioner, magistrate, or county officer, or I am employed within the walls of a courthouse. you may contact the SCDSS-CSED Greenville Regional Office at Public Court Records Search. In Greenville County the Circuit Court is located at the corner of Church Street and East North Street. State Tax Liens up to 1999 are located in the Clerk of Court’s Office. Barksdale Judge Alexis S. Hunt County Courthouse 2507 Lee St. Support: 1-800-859-7375 ☰ Home ; Features ; The Greenville County Family Court deals with matters such as divorce, child custody, and adoption. , 2nd Floor Greenville County Arrests & Jail Records Lookup. Find public court case information, written opinions, attorney discipline matters, and more. An "expungement" is the sealing and destruction of criminal court records relating to an arrest or a conviction. Hudson Judge Ernest M. m. The Clerk of Courts manages the dockets, child support, and orders of protection. Administration: Renee' Layman Chief Deputy . Family Court Office. greenville magistrates and dockets letter to parents. See the individual court listings for location, telephone numbers, and court hours. Greenville County Historical Circuit and Probate Court Records. P. fqfm jyuprf qetzatc wbgqll ehvc hbieuz sdaokz ivjhf oroorz bbb zxlt spfjvz neck aihgei ybfyw